Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Study Guide

First 5 points- Answering these questions honestly. You won't be penalized for answering honestly

15 Points - 3 Core Curriculum Standards
- Math, language arts, and science or social studies
- How would you use technology to teach the standard?
- Why?

Things to consider:
- Content THEN Activity THEN Technology
- Activity Description: What will students do? What will you do?
- Activity description: What is the pedagogy? Collaboration? Discovery Learning? Experiential? Problem-based learning? etc.
- Age-Appropriateness of activity and technology
- Rationale: How does it enable the pedagogy? How does is enable student understanding of the concepts? Does it enable a better representation of the concept? (You don't want your technology to be an add on, you want it to be a core part (Use the Technology Integration Questions),
- TPACK vs TPK : TPK example- Knowing how to use technology for a particular pedagogical purpose. Maybe you'll use it for better management, or it enables students to be more hands on. Knowing how to prepare a really good powerpoint presentation. TPACK ont he otherhand is knowing how to integrate technology with a particular content area, with a particular pedagogical purpose.

In your rationale you need to include TPK and TPACK. Example Have a leaf and the students look into the Microscope.... TPK, if you say it helps them to understand better than nonliving organisms...using hands on discovery (TPACK is more specific pedagogy where the hands on discovery helps to better understand nonliving organisms. You'll be talking about representations or how it helps to better understand content, AND content specific pedagogy that might only relate to the content... like using a manipulative is more TPACK.

Dr. Grahams

Students using technology or instructors only?

* What is the added value
* Rationales for why you use technology are really important


* Pedagogy-Focused

1. Technology enhances a content-specific-pedagogy
2. If allowed me to do a specific reading actiity, such as guided reading.

* Represenation/Affordances

1. Tech creates affordance that enhances understanding of specific content
2. Using an animation to show the water cycle and allows the students to better see and make more concrete how the water cucle occurs.


* Pedagogy-Focused

1. Tech enhances a general-pedagogy
2. It enabled me to caputre their attention

* Representation/Affordances

1. Tech creates affordance that enhances general teaching
2. animations are more fun for students

Common Mistakes:

*Not providing enough detail
*Weak Rationals (See criteria above... don't just say it's a good attention grabber, why is using that particular technology really good?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Week 14: 2 Things I Learned from Presentations

2 of my favorite ideas I saw were:

1. The I-Clicker project where students were assessed based on their i-clicker responses. I loved that this eliminated any embarrassment students might have felt, and you could see whether or not the students were ready for the test. It was a great, and exciting way for the students to review.

2. The second great idea I saw was where students performed a play and they were filmed. Then the film was burned to a cd and projected on an LCD screen where the students evaluated their own performance. This sounds like such a fun activity, and I'm sure the students loved it! It's so beneficial when students can see the work they created. Great use of technology in the classroom!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Week 13 #2: Internet Safety

1. What article did you choose to read for your fourth article?
William C. Porter, “I Have a Question,” Ensign, Mar. 2001, 58–59 "How can our family take advantage of what is available on the Internet while avoiding objectionable material and people of questionable character?"

2. What were the most important things you learned from the readings?
I think something important that I learned is that talking about the dangers of the internet and pornography is important. I must educate my children about it, and then take the precautions such as keeping the computer and T.V. in high traffic areas of the house. I learned how much of a responsibility this is, and this is one way to educate my own family.

3. How will what you have read influence your actions as a parent and/or teacher of children and youth?
I will most definitely talk about the dangers of the internet and pornography with my children and family (when they come). I will use the tips like having good blocking programs on the computer, and educating myself on how the internet works, and how to see the history of where people have been on the internet. I will also find out what kind of access to the internet there is in the school that my children attend, to make sure that students are blocked the best they can be from inappropriate sights.

4. How can you use what you have learned from the reading to have a positive influence on family and friends?
Again, as I educate my family, it will be can be a great influence on their lives. It can only help them keep their lives on the right track, and as I do this I will be fulfilling my responsibility as a spouse and mother. As I take the advice given in the articles that I read, and as I implement the tips that they give, I can be a good influence on my family. I can also provide them information of ways that technology can be good, and help them find productive means to spend their time.

Internet Safety Discussion

I discussed the things that I learned about internet safety with my husband, because he will be a parent, and more importantly the father of my own children. He is 24 years old, and knows quite a bit of the precautions that I read about in the articles on internet safety. He covered where the computer should be located, to identity theft and beyond. I thought it was great to know how much my husband already knows, and it brought me great comfort in knowing that together we'll take the safety precautions of the internet together for our own families. I shared with him the importance of knowing what internet access and location is in not only your home, but your library and especially your childrens' friends. Even though your family takes the precautions, another family doesn't necessarily do the same. This gave me more motivation to provide a happy, loving, and clean home to provide a more enjoyable environment for my children, as well as their friends. THis way I hope to have them coming to our house, instead of the other way around.

Watching Others Slideshows:

I learned that I'm not as creative as others! I'm sort of kidding. But really, people had great ways to incorporate fun technology and connect it to other portions of lessons, like connecting it to art projects. I learned that the possibilities are endless! I also learned that many people had a similar wish-that students could have had more hands on technology where they got to use the program or technology they were using!

Week 13: Technology Implemented in the Classroom!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Week 11: Technology Lesson Plan

Last Friday I used a Powerpoint of a Jeopardy game. I first instructed students that learning new vocabulary will make them better and more interesting writers. We then reviewed the Vocabulary we have been covering in Charlotte's Web by entering in definitions as the "answer" (since Jeopardy questions are actually the answers), and then the answer would show up after the students guessed an answer. I had 4 teams, and a list of all the possible answers on the board. This was an activity that I got really excited about, and the students were really excited about. All the students were engaged in this activity, and all the students had to take responsibility for thinking of the correct vocabulary word when it was their turn to go up to the board. This was a lot of fun, and I think I'll use it again!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Week 10: Technology-Enhanced Lesson

One idea that I have is to use powerpoint during the next reading lesson. We are reading Charlotte's web, and I could use powerpoint to keep a list of vocabulary words up on the board. While we're reading, the students could look up at the words, and notify me when we read one of them. I could make a slide that gave the definition of each vocabulary word, along with pictures to help them gain a visual of what the word is, and what it means. I would use a laptop and a projector which are available in the computer lab. Maybe I could include a fun game that tests the students on the vocabulary they learned from that chapter!

Post one idea for a technology-enhanced lesson that you think you might be able to do given your classroom context and the technology available to you. Make sure that you tag your post - s#, wk10, lastname.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Week 9: Reflection on Technology Inventory

I was interested to find that the school I am at doesn't have a whole lot of technology. It is a very traditionally run school, and does have a computer lab, but doesn't have computers for the students to work on in (my mentor teacher's) the classroom. You can check out a computer projector, but my mentor teacher is in a trailer, and so I think it is harder to get these things into her classroom. She does however have access to her own lap top, t.v., vcr, and cd player. It's interesting to see that how things are done in the classroom, seem extremely similar to how I was taught. I think this can be a hard thing for students. They have a half hour of computer lab a week, and they aren't exposed to computers at any other time in school. When society is run on the latest technology, this could be hard for students in the future, even when they get to high school, because they may not know how to effectively use a computer, let alone the various programs on a computer.

Another thing I noticed in the classroom is that there really isn't any social studies, or science instruction. There also aren't really any technology science tools to use in the schools. This too seems detrimental to students learning. Sooner or later they are going to be tested on these things, and I think it's important to start teaching these things while they are young. Technology can be a great tool to do this. Technology can really help students see the application of science in their very own lives, and this can be a great teaching tool.

Although I don't think naturally I would have used very much technology in the classroom, I sort of hope to use more technology that what I am seeing in the classroom where I am at. I think it can be a great help to teachers in remembering to cover all the desired material, as well as provide images and visuals for students in something as simple as a powerpoint. My mentor teacher does however use her laptop to create Worksheets for students, and also uses the internet for multiple ideas when creating an agenda for the day. She loves the internet, and uses it often to search for great ideas! I plan to do the same!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Week 8: Virtual Tour

Take a look at this Google Earth Art Tour!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Week 7: Virtual Tour Plan

Location ActivityGoogle Earth Content
1. EuropeTell children that art is influenced by different cultures, and different areas of the world. Have students locate 2 artworks that are of European origin, and have them identify characteristics of European art.Take the students to Europe. Allow them to explore countries in Europe.
2. China Show students pictures of chinese art. Have students list characteristics of Chinese art. Discuss their opinions of which art they like best.Take students to China. Show a picture of a Chinese Painting.
3. FijiHave students discuss the kind of art they might imagine when they think of tropical places. Show students where Oceania is, and discuss Oceanic Art. Have students list characteristics of oceanic art from pictures displayed (on the board with the rest of the lists).Take the students to Oceania. (ex: Fiji)
4. India Ask students if they have ever been to an Indian Restaurant. If anyone has, ask them what the inside of the restaurant looked like? What kind of artwork did they notice? Bring in different artifacts that come from India. Show pictures of Indian art. Again, Have students list characteristics of the art.

Now that the class has learned about 4 different cultural arts, draw a Venn Diagram on the board and list the similarities and differences between these different types of art.

Have students choose one of the 4 countries we discussed and allow them to create their own work of art using the characteristics described in the lists we made as a class.
Take the students to India.
Details of image overlay / path / polygon:Will use a path, and use pictures of an artwork from each different country, for that country.

What is the content you are focusing on in your science lesson?
  • In this project I will be using visual arts of different cultures to find similarities and diversities between them.
  • 6th Grade
    Standard 4
    The student will interpret and apply visual arts in relation to cultures, history, and all learning.
    Objective 1
    Compare the arts of different cultures to explore their similarities and diversities.
  • Compare/contrast art forms, past or present, in terms of subject matter, culture, and history.
  • Infer ways the availability of resources, technologies, and social conditions have affected artworks.
What is the pedagogy you are using and why is it a good fit with the content?
  • We will be using visuals of the arts to assess as a class the similarities and differences between them. The students will learn how to search on an individual level, and a group level. They will learn different ways to assess new information by using discussion, as well as a Venn Diagram.
What is the technology you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content and pedagogy?
  • We will be using Google Earth and I will create a virtual tour here where students will be able to see where the visual arts are in the world. I will place a picture of the kind of art that will be found there. This will give them a visual understanding of where these locations are in reference to each other, and what kinds of climates they might have there. We will use wikipedia to find other characteristics of the places that we study, and how those characteristics might influence their art.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Week 5: Story Board & TPACK Questions

TPACK Questions:
* What is the content you’ll be using in your lesson?
- In this lesson students will be making an original ABC book. Each student will be assigned a letter of the alphabet. Each student will compose a sentence (with the help of an adult) that can make sense (with a little imagination) as well as uses as many words with their assigned letters in their sentence. Students will create a picture that shows what is going on in their sentences. After each letter is finished, we will put together all the letters to make one whole ABC book. I will upload the story onto PhotoStory and show the class the video we made as a class.

* What is the pedagogy you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content?
- We will helping students learn their letter sounds, as well as experiment with different media in their original artworks.

* What is the technology you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content and pedagogy?
- I will be using Photo Story Software that will allow students to see how their compositions fit into the overall picture. I will turn the book into a movie, and include audio on it as well.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Week 4: The Tech Savvy Teacher & The Three TPACK Questions

Students in American schools are most likely familiar with the Fahrenheit system, but the science community uses the metric system to measure. Therefore, it is important for students to learn about different temperature scales, and devices used to measure. We would discuss different ways the students are familiar with taking temperatures, and what they measure; pool thermometers, oven thermometers, and other measuring devices. After students have identified what they're familiar with, make comparisons to the metric system (Celsius).
For example, have different temperatures in Celsius and Fahrenheit and ask the students to make predictions about what type of weather they would see. If it was 32 C (which is 89.6 F) outside, would the students be dressed in winter clothes, or would they be at the beach? Discuss the difference in measurement scales, ie., water boils at 100 C, and your body temperature is approximately 98.6 F, but your body is not about to boil.

As a class we collected samples of objects we believed would represent a range of temperatures. We collected snow, water from the drinking fountain, and warm water from the bathroom faucet.

We then used the temperature probes to collect temperatures digitally. We had two probes, one measuring in Fahrenheit, and the other measuring in Celsius. We put both probes in the same cup and measured the temperature of its contents. We used a program named Logger Pro to create graphs of the temperatures collected, in both Celsius and Fahrenheit. This would help to clarify Celsius and Fahrenheit measure temperatures the same using two different systems. For example, the freezing point of water in Celsius is 0 C and the freezing point of water in Fahrenheit is 32 F. Though these numbers appear to be different, they are equivalent measurements.

Using the temperature probes to gather measurements firsthand enhanced our lesson. Students were able to measure one object using two measurement systems simultaneously. They were able to track the results using Logger Pro, and create visual graphs representative of their data. Students are more likely to retain their knowledge because of their hands-on involvement, rather than just listening to a lecture.

The Three TPACK Questions:
1. What is the content you are focusing on in your science lesson?
The content that is being focused on in the lesson is that of understanding the difference between Celcius and Fehrenheit temperature measurements, and how they relate.
2. What is the pedagogy you are using and why is it a good fit with the content?
We are allowing children to use hands on activities and believe that this will help children make more connections and better understand the content of the lesson.
3. What is the technology you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content and pedagogy?
The technology we used was a program called Logger Pro in which we used probes to measure the temperature of our different forms of water, and then we also connected this to the computer to collect our data. It's a great fit for our content and pedagogy because it creates a visual for the students to see exactly how the measurements are relate. Once the temperatures are taken, this program records it in Celcius and Fehrenheit. This technology is enhancing students learning as they use Logger Pro, and see its results.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Week 3

TPACK stands for Technological Pedagogical And Content Knowledge. Pedagogical knowledge is basically having skills and knowledge about how to teach. Content Knowledge is knowing the facts about a particular subject such as History of Math. And, Technological knowledge is what we're learning in this class. It can be anything as simple as how to use Windows, to something much more complicated such as using a programming language to run a program. These areas also overlap. Technological content knowledge would be combining math with a 3-d calculator. You use both your knowledge of the subject and technology. Technological Pedagogical content is knowing how to best use technology in your teaching, and which forms of technology would be most beneficial to your students. Pedagogical Content Knowledge is combining the facts with the best way to teach them. I think this is probably the most common form of teaching, and the way our parents learned most the time when they were in school. TPACK combines all of these aspects. It is bringing in technology to best teach the content or facts using the pedagogical knowledge that you have.
It's important for teachers to have this knowledge because we are in a world FULL of technology. Students will be using technology for the rest of their lives, and we might as well teach them to become comfortable using all kinds of different technology. Also, this is such a great tool for teachers! It can assist in motivating students, when otherwise maybe science alone didn't motivate them. By using technology we can intrigue our students. These students will be using these various types of technology in their future careers, and so they might as well become familiar with it now, and have fun with it! It can also assist in helping children have a greater understanding of subjects, technology is often a great way to help children get a visual of what they are learning.

Science/Math Technology Explored

Stellarium: Stellarium is a science site that allows acts as a sort of planetarium. It shows you a realistic sky in 3-D. It looks like a great tool to use in the classroom. As I explored this site, I found a screen that showed what the constellations look like, and along with the constellations they have their animal or figure of what the costellation was named after right on it. So, they have a picture of Orion to better show how Orion is named, and what the actual stars in the constellation represent. This site would be a great way to encorporate technology with science, along with my pedagogical Knowledge!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Week 2

Remember to add everyone from your group to Good Reads!

What have you learned about RSS & Web 2.0 tools and how might you use one of these tools as an educator?

I learned that RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication. It is basically a way for us to look at all our favorite websites from one place, such as on a blog. It will show you the latest articles, or updates from your favorite websites. I learned a little more about Web 2.0 also. I learned that Web 2.0 applies to any website that can change. Websites like Facebook, Delicious, Good Reads, and blogs can all be added to, and changed often. You can change it, or like Facebook, friends can add to your page.

As an educator I think a blog (as your RSS) is a great idea! I love that I can access Good Reads, and particular websites that I like from a blog with one easy click. It would help in finding information I might want for my classroom quickly. In particular, Good Reads is a great idea to have as an educator so that I can sort through all the books I've read quickly to find a book for a 3rd grader who enjoys science fiction. Because it has you organize every book as you add it, it's done! You have easy access to all the particulars of that book that you may otherwise have to look up again (if you hadn't used Good Reads). Or, I might be able to recommend particular books to parent's.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Week 1

Technological Background & Experience: I've been using computers since my elementary days. At my current job I am on the computer a lot doing data entry. I passed the technology test to get into the program! :o)